The Rosa Family

The Rosa Family
43 nights at RMHC

Late Saturday night, August 30, 2014 we welcomed our little Paisley Elizabeth into the world and spent those first two nights oblivious to her rare Critical Congenital Heart Defect. At just 30 hours old and many tests, we learned she has Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS.) Essentially, she was born with only one-half of her heart. She would be flown to Charleston by plane within hours and we would begin the frantic week that was the darkest time of our lives. Mainly concerned with getting across the state to be with our baby we still had to figure how we’d afford the trip, how much would a hotel for weeks at a time cost, what about food? Then we received the message that we had a place to stay at the RMH.

When Jenesis, our 8 year old came to visit on weekends we were able to have her with us as a family. The staff took extra care to make her feel welcome. We have NO idea where we’d be or how we would have financially been able to stay those 43 nights in a hotel. Paisley’s second Open Heart Surgery was in April, we again were blessed to have a place with RMH where we now feel like “part of the family.” We are forever thankful for this ray of sunshine in our dark time, where we could be together as family while caring for our little one so far from home.

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