Even the LITTLE things make a BIG difference
Collecting pop tabs is a fun and easy way to give back to RMHC Charleston in South Carolina! Every tab you donate helps us keep our doors open and provide a temporary “Home-away-from home” for families of critically ill children.
Pop tabs are found every time you open up a soft drink or soup can, sometimes you even find them when you feed your pet!
Email our Community Engagement Manager to sign up or for more information.
Who Can Participate?
Anyone! It’s an inclusive effort open to all ages and groups! Our House encourages individuals, families, schools, business, community groups, and more to collect pop tabs.
How Do The Pop Tabs Help RMHC Charleston Families?
The tab of an aluminum can is pure aluminum unlike the rest of the can, which contains paint and other residue. Once our pop tab dumpster is full due to the communities generous donations, a local aluminum recycler retries the tabs. The recycling center provides us with a check based on the weight and price of aluminum at that time, which can fluctuates from 35 to 85 cents a pound. This money is used for our general operating expenses; meaning it truly helps keep our doors open to continue to serve more than 800 families annually.
While the whole can is valuable as a recyclable, RMHC Charleston does not have the storage capacity to collect the whole can. The aluminum tabs are smaller and easier to handle, especially when large volumes are delivered.
Why Collect Pop Tabs?
People take great pride in collecting thousands of aluminum pop tabs for the following reasons:
- Tangible Contribution: Collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston provides a tangible and financial way for individuals and communities to directly support families with sick children.
- Environmental Impact: Recycling pop tabs reduces waste and promotes environmental sustainability by diverting aluminum from landfills.
- Easy Participation: Collecting is simple and doesn’t require significant effort or resources, making it accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.
- Community Engagement: Pop tab collection drives encourage community involvement and foster a sense of unity and purpose among participants.
- Educational Opportunity: Engaging in pop tab collections offers educational benefits, teaching individuals about the importance of recycling, charitable giving, and builds awareness of our cause.
How Do I Get Started?
It’s easy. Simply remove the pop tab from the aluminum can and put them in your favorite collection container. Place the container in a prominent place in your kitchen or office. You may make your collection container from any cardboard box, large zip-lock baggies, or plastic containers with an easily removable lid. Decorating your containers will bring attention to them and remind everyone about saving pop tabs!
For pop tab stickers, contact Maddie@RMHCharleston.org
Download our flyer HERE.
Where Do I Drop Off My Collected Pop Tabs?
Each group is responsible for delivering their collected pop tabs to RMHC Charleston at 81 Gadsden St. Charleston, SC 29401
Pop tabs can be dropped off at the House seven days a week.
Want To Join The Million Tabs Club?
RMHC Charleston has started a Million Tabs Club for our friends and supporters who collect pop tabs for the House! If you join, you will be welcomed as a member of the club when you reach one million tabs collected.
One pound equals approximately 1,000 tabs, therefore 1,000 pounds equals one million tabs! See the size comparison chart HERE.
You are responsible for counting and keeping track of the pounds you have collected. We work on the honor system! You do not have to wait to bring your tabs until you have a million tabs collected.
All Million Tabs Club members will receive a certificate and be listed on the RMHC Charleston website. We would love to have you or your group, school, organization, or business participate!
Million Tabs Club Members:
- Patriotic Order of Does Charleston Drove = 2,212 pounds
- Swamp Fox Fellowship Riders = 2,097 pounds
Pop Tab Drop-Off Locations:
- Anderson Brothers Bank – Summerville
- Guy C. Lee Building Materials – Mount Pleasant
- Horry County Memorial Library – Conway
- Finklea, Hendrick & Blake, LLC – Florence
- Aynor Library – Aynor
- Bucksport Library – Conway
- Carolina Forest Library – Myrtle Beach
- Conway Library – Conway
- Green Sea Floyds Library – Green Sea
- Little River Library – Little River
- Loris Library – Loris
- North Myrtle Beach Library – North Myrtle Beach
- Socastee Library – Socastee
- Surfside Library – Surfside Beach
- AVAILABLE – West Ashley
- AVAILABLE – Moncks Corner
- AVAILABLE – Kiawah Island

A heartfelt thank you to Republic Services for supporting our sustainability project.