Host a Fundraiser

Support RMHC Charleston in your own way

RMHC Charleston is fortunate to be the beneficiary of community events organized by individuals, local organizations, schools, and businesses. The funds raised help to provide the necessary services and comforts for the families who call our House home. 100% of donations raised stay in the Charleston area! 

Consider gathering friends and co-workers to organize an auction, bake sale, cocktail party, jeans day, wish list drive, or another fun event! 

Step 1: Decide on your fundraiser

Whether it’s running a marathon, selling lemonade on the sidewalk, or asking friends to donate in lieu of gifts for your big day, there’s no limit to the ways you can use your strengths to help house, feed, and support families with critically ill children through charity fundraising.

Step 2: Get approval

Step 3: Hold your event

  • Upon approval of your fundraising event application, you will be provided with logos and assets.
  • Complete our Social Media Request Form, if you would like RMHC Charleston to share information about your benefit event on our social media channels. Note: All requests must be approved by Marketing staff.


Do I need to obtain RMHC Charleston’s approval for my fundraiser?
  • All external fundraisers who meet the following criteria must obtain approval from RMHC Charleston marketing staff prior to their event or campaign: 
    • If you wish to use the Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Charleston logo in association with proposed fundraiser. 
    • If you will advertise your fundraiser as benefiting RMHC Charleston; or 
    • If there is media coverage and/or press releases that name your fundraiser as benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston. 

NOTE:  Fundraisers using endorsed social media fundraising platforms (e.g., Facebook, JustGiving, Raise Love, Instagram) do not need prior approval from marketing staff. However, if campaign associated with RMHC Charleston’s social media community standards content does not meet RMHC Charleston standards, we will request its removal of the associated fundraiser. 

How soon do I need to submit my Fundraising Event Application?

We ask that applications are submitted 30 days prior to the proposed fundraising event. Please Contact Marketing if you have any questions or concerns. 

I’m setting up a Facebook or other online fundraiser; do I need to complete a fundraising event application?

No, for gifts in honor of a birthday or anniversary, or in memory of a loved one, you do not need to obtain RMHC Charleston’s approval. However, we do ask that you let our Marketing Department know about your activity so we can properly acknowledge the donors and you. 

Will RMHC Charleston send thank you letters to event donors?

Yes, if a detailed list of donors and contributions is provided after the completion of the event. Letters will not be sent until funds from fundraiser are sent to RMHC Charleston. 

Can I specify that event proceeds be used for a particular program or fund at RMHC Charleston?

Yes, you can specify how the proceeds are used. Please indicate this on your event application under ‘Other Details’.

Will RMHC Charleston help publicize my event?

RMHC Charleston’s role in publicizing external fundraisers is evaluated during the application process. Additionally, we recommend you complete a social media request form, if you are requesting that RMHC Charleston shares event information on one or more of our social media channels. 

Set up an online fundraiser to support families